viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020


The United States we could say that it is the country where we all want to be, where we want to learn and visit, with this blog I will tell you a little about it.


If you are going to travel to the United States or to study the United States, it is very important that you know its culture, its festivals, its customs and its tradition in advance to be well prepared and that the culture shock does not affect you too much.
The United States is one of the most diverse countries in the world, from its geography compositions; it is impossible to speak of a unique characteristic in this setting of geography, racial, ethnic and cultural wealth.
Every corner of the United States is unique, and this is reflected in the customs of its inhabitants. it one of the countries with the most local festivals and traditions that we can find around the world.


I don't know about you but I have always been curious to know which were the most visited places in the United States, so I started to investigate and after reading a report from ¨le magazine du tourisme, I had several surprises because if some sites are really obvious others didn't seem worthy of so much attention... 
A selection of the best places in the United States that you must visit at least once in your life. If you plan to travel to the United States, don't miss this compilation of tourist attractions in the USA. 


Its gastronomy has benefited enormously from the unique fusion of flavors and ingredients. The result of these mixture are dishes that anyone likes, since almost everyone recognizes something  of their own culture in every bite.
On gastronomic level, American's stand out for their low dedication to cooking generally their diet is based on gorging on fast food or pre-cooked dishes that are prepared at home in matter of minutes. 


                                    Resultado de imagen de bandera de estados unidos
  • The flag was designed by a 16-year- old student: Robert G. Heft a 16 year- old boy presented his flag design for a history job at his school, his teacher when he saw it decided to put a very low grade, in response the boy I challenge the professor putting the condition that if the national congress liked it, it should change the grade to excellent, with so much luck that the congress decided adopt it as the national flag.                                                                                                          
                                                          Resultado de imagen para navidad en estados unidos
  • celebrating christmas was considered an illegal act: before 1907 in the United States, celebrating the christmas holidays was  prohibited, as it was considered a pegan holiday, which was against religion.Curiously, today christmas parties are one of the most important celebrations in this country. 
                                                               Resultado de imagen de flor nacional de estados unidos
  • The rose is the national flower: it is said that the first rose fossil was found in the state of colorado, therefore this plant is considered to be native to the United States. In ancient times, pioneers migrated west and planted roses along the road from New York to California, and by 1986 president Ronald signed a decree adopting as the national flower. 

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